Explore our South West Coastal Partnerships below. Visit their websites by clicking on their logo and be sure to follow them on Twitter for updates on the great work they do in their local areas.
The Fowey Estuary Partnership (FEP) was set up in 1997 to meet the need for holistic management of the estuary, balancing the needs of tourism, commerce and leisure interests. The management of the estuary is embodied in the Fowey Estuary Management Plan, developed through extensive consultation and community involvement.
The Taw Torridge Estuary Forum was founded jointly, in 1980, by North Devon District Council and Torridge District Council, under the Chairmanship of Captain C.J.A. Johnson, RN. Its role is to act as an independent voice for the whole of the Taw Torridge Estuary. The Forum now comprises 40 national, regional, county-wide and local member organisations.

The Exe Estuary is a fantastic and beautiful place to live, work and visit. As organisations with responsibility for managing aspects of the Estuary we work together in voluntary partnership, balancing competing demands and addressing any conflicts as they arise, to help ensure that the Estuary retains its magic far into the future.
For more information about the Exe Estuary Partnership, forthcoming events, subscribing to the Exe Estuary News, or how you can get involved, please click through to our website.
The DMF is an independent, not-for-profit partnership organisation with a unique role: bringing together the broad and diverse range of organisations and individuals who have a stake or interest in marine and coastal issues in Devon and the wider South West peninsula. We were formed in 2005 with a view to guiding and co-ordinating cross-sectoral cooperation and to act as a point of contact for all maritime sectors, promoting understanding, sharing challenges and building consensus.

The Teign Estuary and Coastal Partnership (TECP) promotes the integrated coastal management, access and economic development of the estuary and the open coast between Torbay and the Exe Estuary.
TECP is led by Teignbridge District Council and includes all the Statutory Agencies with an interest in the management of this diverse area, together with the direct involvement of around 100 local and regional stakeholder groups.
The Tamar Estuaries Consultative Forum (TECF) is a partnership of organisations and local authorities with statutory responsibility towards the management of the Plymouth Sound & Tamar Estuaries Marine Protected Area (MPA). TECF and its advisory groups – the Port of Plymouth Marine Liaison Committee (PPMLC) and the Wembury Voluntary Marine Conservation Area Advisory Group (WAG) – provide an effective and collaborative framework for managing the MPA whilst recognising the commercial, defence and recreational importance of the site.

Although AONBs are statutory designations, the legislation does not provide for any official structures or organisations to manage and protect them. So unlike National Parks, there is no "AONB authority" with legal powers or decision making force.
The AONB Partnership is a non-statutory grouping of organisations and representatives which works by consenses, co-ordination and influencing.
The care and management of the South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) is co-ordinated by a broad partnership of organisations and community representatives. The Partnership Committee takes a strategic view of the area, publishes the AONB Management Plan and oversees the work of the AONB Staff Unit.