Explore our North East Coastal Partnerships below. Visit their websites by clicking on their logo and be sure to follow them on Twitter for updates on the great work they do in their local areas.

The shallow sea, estuaries and shores of Berwickshire and Northumberland are known for their spectacular marine life. Our local coastal and marine environment is one of the most important areas in Europe for marine conservation, providing dramatic intertidal and subtidal rocky reefs, extensive sand and mud flats, mysterious sea caves and sweeping inlets and bays. The rich marine life of the area, includes kelp forests, seagrass beds, colonies of grey seal, and a vast number of breeding and wintering seabirds. This importance is recognised by the designation of ten Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in our inshore waters. Originally formed in 1999, the Berwickshire and Northumberland Marine Nature Partnership comprises a range of nearly thirty organisations who are working together to manage the suite of inshore MPAs found between Fast Castle Head in Scotland down to the River Tyne in England and to raise awareness of their importance.
The management structure of the Heritage Coast Partnership is a modification of the successful Turning the Tide on the Durham Coast Partnership with recommendations resulting from a formal governance review in 2003. The successful multi-agency partnership of Turning the Tide will be continued with the further addition of two new partners, Sunderland City Council and Hartlepool Borough Council, the partnership is strengthened to sixteen members. The Heritage Coast is tasked with retaining and strengthening this focus and building on the level of involvement of local communities in future decision-making.

Groundwork NE & Cumbria are pleased to be working in partnership with the Environment Agency and Hull University to create the Tyne Estuary Partnership. The River Tyne is one of the most iconic and well known rivers in the UK and provides a focal point for economic activity supporting thriving businesses. Over the years there has been investment to improve the quality of the Tyne with developments to the river’s biodiversity, growth in the economic development and visitor attractions. However there are still significant pressures impacting the river; from historic mining, to population growth, contaminated sites and sewage. Due to the ongoing support for improvements to the River Tyne over the next 10 years there is ambition to develop a strong partnership to champion further improvements to the river.